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BBI of Chicago
August 2021

Competitive Advantage 


By: Otávio Odppis Zital da Silva.

With today’s highly globalized economic scenario, people and companies can acquire products and services from all over the world. In such a way that it is essential that companies who aspire to last long and be lucrative acquire competitive advantages over competitors.

There are several ways for a company to obtain such advantages, depending on their field, and consequently, the clients’ priorities. Lower prices, better service or product quality, faster supply, and higher trust in the products and services are factors that have the capacity of turning a company into a giant in its field.

With the appearance of new technologies and with the expansion of the capacity of digital media, such competitive advantages are often achieved by a disruption in the modus operandi of the sector or product known so far. Amongst the most famous cases, we can look at what happened with the fields of transportation and Uber, watches and Smartwatches, and the financial field with the appearance of Fintechs.

Independent of the organization's size and acting field, it becomes increasingly more necessary for a company to have good practices and planning to identify, develop and perpetuate qualities and competitive edges that bring the company the client’s favor. Only by competitive advantages, can you assure the perpetuity of a company.



PORTER, M. E. Estratégia competitiva: Técnicas para análise de indústrias e da concorrência. 1ª ed. Rio De Janeiro: Campus, 1986.

PRAHALAD, C. K. O Futuro da Competição: como desenvolver diferenciais inovadores em parceria com os clientes. 1ªed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2004.

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